
SDE Feature Class

Description Spatial Attributes

Theme: Hospital Admission
Place: Miami-Dade County, Florida

Polygon feature class based on zip codes with number of hospital admissions and pay sources for Miami-Dade County.

To identify the number of hospital admissions and pay sources by zip code.

Supplementary Information
Data was provided by the Office of Countywide Healthcare Planning in Microsoft Excel format, which was intersected with the base Zip Code feature class and imported to ArcSDE.
Date: January 2012      By: ITD
Reason: To add this data from 2010 to GIS Production. There were 8 new zipcodes in the production zipcode layer that did not exist in the update recieved. The values could not be loaded as null, therefore a value of zero was calculated into the fields for zipcodes 33101, 33151, 33192, 33116, 33152, 33283,33153, 33197.


Status of the data

Time period for which the data is relevant

Publication Information

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